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NIST SRM 1869奶粉质控样Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula

发布时间: 2023-12-05  点击次数: 319次

NIST SRM 1869 婴儿/成人营养配方II

英文名称:Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula II (milk/whey/soy-based)


标准物质 NIST SRM 1869  旨在用于研究用途,而非人类消费。该材料含有婴儿配方食品中不允许的一些营养素,并且不是婴儿配方食品。


 NIST SRM 1869 婴儿/成人营养配方II  的原始未开封包装应储存在 –20 °C 或更低的温度。对于有机成分,该认证仅适用于初次使用,如果剩余的粉末在以后使用,则不能保证相同的结果。对于无机成分,如果打开包装重新密封并储存在 –20 °C 或更低的温度,则可以重复使用打开的包装,直到 NIST SRM 1869 材料达到其失效日期。


 NIST SRM 1869 使用前,请摇动未开封的小包,确保内容物充分混合。尚未针对小于以下 NIST 方法使用的样本大小评估材料的均匀性。因此,认证和参考值对于小于以下部分中描述的测试部分可能无效: 0.3 g 至 0.5 g 对于元素分析,1g~2g用于维生素分析,0.5g用于胆固chun分析,0.3g用于脂肪酸分析。获得的结果应包括他们自己对不确定性的估计,并可以使用参考文献 7 中描述的程序与认证值进行比较。

Maintenance of Certified Values: NIST will monitor this SRM over the period of its validity. If substantivetechnical changes occur that affect the certification, NIST will issue an amended certificate through the NIST SRMwebsite  and notify registered users. SRM users can register online from a link availableon the NIST SRM website or fill out the user registration form that is supplied with the SRM. Registration willfacilitate notification. Before making use of any of the values delivered by this material, users should verify they havethe most recent version of this documentation, available through the NIST SRM website .

Non-Certified Values: Non-certified values for vitamins, carotenoids, myo-inositol, fatty acids as free fatty acids,proximates, sugars, other nutrients, nucleotides, amino acids, taurine, and chlorate in SRM 1869 are provided inAppendix A.Additional Information: Additional information is provided in Appendices B and C.

 NIST SRM 1869 Safety: SRM 1869 is intended for research use only; not for human consumption.Storage: The original unopened packets of SRM 1869 should be stored at –20 °C or colder. For organic constituents,the certification only applies to the initial use and the same results are not guaranteed if the remaining powder is usedat a later date. For inorganic constituents, an open packet can be reused until the material reaches its expiration date,provided that the open packet is resealed and stored at –20 °C or lower

东莞市百顺生物科技有限公司是英国NIBSC的代理商,专业代理  NIST SRM 1869 婴儿/成人营养配方II标准品




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